In the recent past, Nepal has witnessed the establishment and operation of the private equity and investment funds in Nepal and abroad dedicated to making investments in Nepal. As public financing resources are limited and as capital markets have not fully developed, importance of private equity and investment funds as a source of the capital is growing day by day in Nepal.
On the private equity and investment funds front, Pioneer Law provides full legal services that are required for entry, operation and exit of the private equity and investment funds. Our services mainly include: (a) overview of the legal and regulatory framework, (b) structuring advisory, (c) drafting and review of the fund documents, and (d) advising on the cross border legal issues.
Pioneer Law has advised both onshore (with or without foreign investment) and offshore funds, in their establishment and operation of the private equity and investment funds especially dedicated to provide growth capital to small and medium enterprises, and sector focused funds for sectors such as hydropower. Pioneer Law has also been part of the legal reform project intended to identify the barriers to the private equity funds and simplifying entry, operation and exit of such funds.
Please email us at for more information on our work or overview of our Private Equity and Investment Fund practice.
Considering the growing number of foreign investment businesses in Nepal, we have come up with a guide to acquaint foreign investors with the legal and regulatory framework of investing in Nepal.