
Consumer market in Nepal is small but fast moving and as is the case with the consumer related activities. Activities of the organizations advocating consumers’ interest have also seen remarkable growth. The voice of the consumer activists has been louder and consumer related issues get easy coverage in the media. Absence of unified consumer law is another issue that exposes the manufacturer and trader to the legal and reputational risk. A comprehensive checklist of consumer laws and regulations and proper legal guidance is important for the manufacturer and traders in Nepal.

Pioneer Law provides comprehensive compliance checklist on consumer and competition laws. Our main focus is to avoid the regulatory and reputational risks to the clients. Pioneer Law provides guidance to our clients on the entire gamut of matters related to consumers and competition including licensing, labeling, product recall, and promotional activities, identifying competition issues involving corporate restructuring, and corporate deals.

Pioneer Law has considerable experience in a variety of consumer related issues even in this small market to provide legal guidance to our clients. Pioneer Law provides service to the local subsidiaries of some of the multinationals on their regular consumer related issues, as well as the consumer law advice and guidance related to our jurisdiction to various corporate giants from different parts of the world.

Pioneer Law also provides complete service to food and manufacturing industries. Our services includes advice and guidance on the issues related to licensing, consumer, environment, labor, investment, tax and other applicable laws and regulations. Pioneer Law advises the local subsidiaries of some of the big multinationals involved in manufacturing of foods, paints and other consumer goods. Pioneer Law also acts as defense counsel for the corporation manufacturing different consumer goods including beverages, electrical appliances, locomotives etc.

Our service in this sector ranges from drafting documents, assisting in compliance, guiding in the regulatory issues, and representing before the courts, judicial and quasi -judicial authorities.

A team of lawyers at Pioneer Law with ample experience and extensive knowledge provide the service related to the consumer, competition laws and manufacturing and food industries.

Please email us at for more information on our work or overview of our Consumer, Food and Manufacturing practice.

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Pioneer Law is full service law firm in Nepal.