The Office of Company Register (“OCR”) has published the notice on waiver of fines on renewal of private firm and update of company in...
“The Finance Act 2022 provides exemption on renewal fees of the private firm registered as per private Firm Registration Act 2014 and of a...
The notice has been published by the Department of Industry (“DOI”), Ministry of Industries, Commerce and Supplies (“MOICS”) dated 2079/2/31 (14th of June, 2022)...
New Legislation on Industrial Enterprises – Brief Highlights January 31, 2017 Industrial Enterprises Act 2016 (2073 BS) (the “Act“) has been introduced with effect...
Social Welfare Council (the “Council”) is the main regulatory body responsible for regulating INGOs in Nepal. The Council was established under the Social Welfare...
Section 12 of the Foreign Exchange (Regulation) Act 1962 (2019) (the “FERA 1962“) empowers Nepal Rastra Bank (the “Central Bank“) to issue the directives,...
The Government of Nepal has recently amended the minimum wage under Labor Act, 1992 (2048) (“Labor Act“) by publishing a notices in Nepal Gazette...
Section 9C of the Foreign Exchange (Regulation) Act, 1962 (the “FERA”) specifically requires a person / entity residing in Nepal to comply with the...